1. %は、 基本宿泊料に対する違約金の比率です。
2. 契約日数が短縮した場合は、 その短縮日数にかかわりなく、 1 日分 (初日)の違約金を収受します。
3. 団体客 (15名以上) の一部について契約の解除があった場合、 宿泊の10日前(その日より後に申込みをお引き受けした場合にはそのお引き受けした日)における宿泊人数の10%(端数が出た場合には切り上げる。 ) にあたる人数については違約金はいただきません。
(1) The percentage is the percentage of the Penalty against the Basic Accommodation Charge.
(2) In the case that the number of days for accommodation has been reduced, Penalty for One Day (first day) shall be charged, regardless of the number of days reduced.
(3) In the case that Accommodation Contract has been cancelled for a part of the Group (consisting of 15 members or more), the Penalty charged shall be for the number of the Group members equal to 10% (a fraction to be evened up) of the total number of the Group members booked for accommodation as of 10 days prior to the first day of occupancy for the day when the Accommodation Contract has been accepted in less than 10 days prior to the first day of occupancy).